Product manual 2CKA001473B9488
Value........................................................ 182
Value (%) ................................................... 182
Value 1/Value 2 ................................. 59, 83, 123
Value 1/value 2 for falling edge ........................ 89
Value 1/value 2 for rising edge .......................... 88
Value 2 ...................................................... 60
Value for cyclic sending ................................. 151
Value for object x ......................................... 98
Value for position down (%) ........................ 71, 118
Value for position up (%) ........................... 71, 118
Value for slats position down (%) .................. 72, 119
Value for switch-off prewarning ....................... 168
Value of the output object for logic true ............ 157
Value of the output object for logic untrue ......... 158
Value x for long operation ................................ 78
Value x for short operation ............................... 77
Versions ...................................................... 17
Working mode of the buttons ........ 118, 122, 125, 127
Working mode of the buttons for dimming ....... 67, 113
Working mode of the buttons for switching 67, 108, 113