Pannoramic MIDI II 2.0.5 User’s Guide
5.3.1 General functions at the main menu
5.3.1 General functions at the main menu
Microscope/Planner selector
Horizontal/Vertical selector
(Available in
Slide view with card
Stage Control
– Available after initialization, upon clicking the slide icon or entering slide
position number at the right side, the slide can be loaded.
Scan to
– Available after loading procedure, unique settings can be defined even for each
separate scanning.
Start scan
– Scanning of the actually loaded slide, or if the planner has been defined, the
whole scanning process can be initiated.
Stop scan
Stop actual process
Take all previews
– Preview images of all the slides on the tray are taken automatically. Select
the required preview type from the following (from top to bottom): Brightfield, Pre-scan, Pre-scan
high-resolution, Pre-scan + high-resolution.
Figure 70 – Take all preview selector
Load / Save Plan menu
– Opens a drop-down menu including the following:
Load plan –
The previously saved scanning plan can be loaded.
Save plan –
A scanning plan containing all parameters and profile assignment will be saved.
Load CSV –
Rack number, slide position, slide name, profile name, illumination type data
from a CSV file can be loaded.
Save CSV
Rack number, slide position, slide name, profile name, illumination type data can
be saved to a CSV file.
December 7, 2018 – Rev. 1