Pannoramic MIDI II 2.0.5 User’s Guide
4.2 Main window functions
Scan Properties
By using this function, unique settings can be defined even for each separate scanning. It is included
on the profile cards as well, added to the slide in Planner mode.
Scan to Local
Set destination folder in
Slide save path
Folder from Barcode
Free space: Free space capacity of selected local drive
Use Barcode: Select the type of barcode profile for slide naming. By using
barcode profile, the barcode of the slide is being matched with all the barcode types
selected in the Barcode settings window.
Slide name: Can be defined by manual or generate automatically with
Generate name
Scan separately: The FOV areas of the preview image will be scanned and saved
separately as discrete digital slides.
Figure 13 – Scan to Local
December 7, 2018 – Rev. 1