Pannoramic MIDI II 2.0.5 User’s Guide
4.2 Main window functions
Slide/tray control
Upon clicking the slide icon or entering slide position number at the right side, the slide can
be loaded. Unload the slide by clicking
next to slide image, and unload the tray by
next to the rack image.
If there is a lens marking at the bottom of the position preview on the tray image, the
preview image of that slide has already been created, and if a question mark is displayed the
slide was not yet loaded. A hatch and lens marking represent a slide that is loaded at the
Emergency Position
: If a slide has been jammed in, the unloading position where the tray
should be moved can be defined.
Slide removed:
Click this button to inform the control software that the slide has been
removed manually.
Objective changer
Live view is on
Live view is on with the shutter closed
Toolbar for live images
Click to display the toolbar for Live view. These functions are only available for the
displayed live image (i. e. Live view is ON), but not available for camera images during
When in
Normal live mode,
the images are taken with the user-specified exposure time.
One pixel on the monitor corresponds to one pixel on the camera
The live image completely fills the display area
Displays or hides the vertical and horizontal scale bars
Displays the magnifier window
Activates red marking on overexposed pixels
Saves the current image as BMP or JPEG file
December 7, 2018 – Rev. 1