Pannoramic MIDI II 2.0.5 User’s Guide
5.2.1 Profile Settings panel
/ Z
: Multilayer option: Select
Extended focus
for scanning the required channels
in accordance with the scanning mode set in the profile.
Figure 40 – Filter table
Objective Settings
This field displays the objective used for scanning. Objective type: 20x; 40x
Focus settings for the scanning. Focus modes can be the following:
Coarse focus:
By selecting the
Use manual focus
box, you can preset the coarse focus value.
By activating the
Coarse focus
function, the lower limit value is set to -64, and the upper limit
value is set to +64 of the current focus value.
Before entering coarse focus value, turn live image on and set a
suitable focus position.
You can accept the current Z-value by clicking
Assign Current
Interpolated focus:
If you select the
Interpolated focus
option, the coarse focus level is
calculated from three different focus points of the specimen. Carry out a manual focusing
sequence in the preview image on those three points. Set the correct focus value of the
desired preview position by clicking
in the table of interpolated focus. If you want to go
back to any of the previously set focus points, click the appropriate
To delete the stored values, click the other proper focus point or turn off the function. The
software calculates a coarse focus level from the three values determined this way as a basis
for the fine focusing routine. You can only define the start parameter here.
December 7, 2018 – Rev. 1