B. Network Components and Cabling
A maximum length of 100 meters (325 feet) of twisted-pair wiring can run from
on the ZT 8995-D1 or the twisted-pair media adapter (AUI drop cable) to
the repeater.
The advantage of fiber optic cable over copper conductor cable is that network users
can completely avoid problems such as crosstalk, noise, and power surging. In addition,
fiber optic cable can provide much longer cable runs than any of the other media
described in this appendix.
There are basically two different ways to use fiber optic cable. The first method is to
connect a segment to another segment or host interface module that has a separation
distance greater than that achievable with copper conductor cable, or when noise
immunity is a factor. The second method is to connect a node to a segment, repeater,
or host interface module that has a similar distance or noise consideration. Refer to the
Fiber Optic Connection
" figure. The IEEE standard allows for a maximum run length of
1000 meters (3280 feet) of fiber optic cabling between repeaters or nodes. Some
transceivers, repeaters, and host interface modules may support longer cable runs.
Fiber optic cabling uses the Thick Ethernet connector
on the ZT 8995. Jumper
must be removed to disable the Thin Ethernet section of the ZT 8995.
Implement repeaters and Media Attachment Units (MAUs) in the fiber optic interface
when using fiber optic to connect two segments or to connect a node to a segment.
Call Ziatech's
Technical Support
for information regarding where to purchase
interconnecting components and products described in this appendix. The following
sections describe these devices.
Fiber Optic Media Attachment Units
Each node or repeater requires a fiber optic transceiver to link the ZT 8995-D2
driver/receiver with the external fiber optic cable. Refer to the "
Fiber Optic Connection
figure. The fiber optic Media Attachment Unit (MAU) transceiver's appearance is similar
to the Thick Ethernet MAU transceiver except that a fiber optic connector is provided in
place of the coax cable tap.
The ZT 8995-D2 connects to the fiber optic MAU through an AUI drop cable as
described in the "
Thick Ethernet Cabling
" topic.
If an MAU transceiver equipped with a System Quality Error test function is used as a
repeater transceiver, you must disable the test. You can, however, enable the test when
using the MAU as a ZT 8995-D2 transceiver.
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