1. Introduction
This program will re-configure the ZT 8995 to your specific system requirements.
Including: the operating mode (memory or I/O mapped), the memory or I/O space,
special operating parameters such as signal timing, as well as the desired interrupt.
This program can also be used to diagnose board operation.
This program should be used to configure the board for memory operation.
INFOSET.EXE can also set memory mode, but does not include the ability to configure
the memory map. If you plan to operate the ZT 8995 in shared memory mode, set it for
I/O operation first, using INFOSET.EXE, and then use AUTOSET8.EXE to tailor the
ZT 8995 configuration for your system.
Writing 19h to the configuration register temporarily disables the ZT 8995 by locking out
I/O access to the Ethernet chip. DEFAULT.EXE re-enables the ZT 8995.
This is a DOS-based, "windows-like" program similar to AUTOSET8.EXE in that it
includes some diagnostics capabilities. However, it cannot be used to configure the
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