< 5. Ladder Program Training >
TI 34M6A82-01E
2nd Edition : Nov. 1, 2002-00
5.4.6 Online
Online editing is a function that modifies a CPU program while it is running. Online
editing can be used when the CPU is in the debug or stop mode. Online editing can be
used for blocks and macros.
Multiple users may edit the same program online concurrently provided they are editing
different blocks or macros. Multiple users may not edit the same block or macro at the
same time.
Do not online-edit a program that is currently controlling a machine. The scan time at the
end of online editing is usually longer because of the time taken to reflect the online-
edited program on the sequence CPU module. During this period, I/O devices cannot be
refreshed and external devices cannot communicate with the CPU, which may cause
unexpected machine operation.
- If another terminal has online-edited a block that you are online-editing, you cannot
overwrite the changes and continue online editing. A warning message will be
displayed. If so, terminate your online editing session without reflecting the edited
program on the CPU.
- If another terminal has online-edited a block that you are monitoring so that the
actual content of the block and the content displayed in the monitor is no longer the
same, online editing cannot be started. In this case, close and reopen the monitor
window before starting online editing.
- Online-editing a program in a window does not reflect the changes to the CPU. The
edited program is reflected on the CPU only when you select [Convert] from the
- Conversion is automatically performed after the following operations: [Delete] in line
units, [Cut] in line units or [Delete Line]. Thus, changes made in line units are
reflected on the CPU immediately.
If you want to confirm line deletion operations only upon conversion, use [Temporary
Delete]. Temporarily deleted lines are displayed with a different background color.
Temporarily deleted circuits are permanently deleted when conversion is executed.
- If there is a conversion error, then only contents of areas without errors will be
reflected on the CPU. To update all changes and exit, correct the conversion error.
You may choose to exit without reflecting the invalid areas to the CPU but this may
result in a displaced circuit comment in subsequent uploading if there was a
conversion error in a circuit before or after the circuit comment.
- Copy, Paste and other editing functions that are available offline are also available
online except that data copied offline cannot be pasted online.