< 5. Ladder Program Training >
TI 34M6A82-01E
2nd Edition : Nov. 1, 2002-00
Changing Data Using Online Edit
1. Open the DEMO3 program monitor window and close other windows.
2. Select [Debug/Maintenance]–[Start Online Editing]. [Online Editing] is displayed in
the title bar of the block monitor.
3. Click [Yes] to enter debug mode.
4. Double-click data [2000] on the last line. The WRITE instruction parameter setting
window is displayed.
5. Delete 2000, enter D1 and click [OK].
6. Select [Debug/Maintenance]–[Exit Online Editing].
7. Click [Yes] to write the changes to the CPU.
8. Change the input voltage (0-5V) and check that the needle of the voltage indicator
changes with the data value.
9. Select [Online]–[Operation Mode]–[Run] to enter run mode.
Reflect to File during Online Edit
1. Select [File]–[Reflect on File]. (To reflect changes to a new file or to a different file
name, select [Reflect on Another File])
2. Double-click DEMO3 from the block list in the project window to display the Edit
Block window.
3. Check that the data changes have been reflected.