< 6. Maintenance Functions >
TI 34M6A82-01E
2nd Edition : Nov. 1, 2002-00
6.4 Comparing Executable Programs
This compares executable programs downloaded to the FA-M3 and executable
programs in the computer. The compare function compares executable program files
managed in an open project, as well as configuration and user log messages.
Contents of the Compare
The following items are compared during the program comparison.
- Executable program configuration
Number and names of blocks, etc.
- Configuration
Values of the configuration settings
- Contents of programs in each block
Compares instructions, devices, and labels in 1-circuit units.
- User log messages
Number of registered user log messages and their contents
- Position of circuit comments and sub-comments
Compares whether a circuit comment and a sub-comment occupy the same
Limitations on the Compare Function
The Compare function cannot be used when the system is in the following states.
- A project is not opened.
- No CPU is attached, or the attached CPU is not a sequence CPU.
- The CPU type set in the open project is different from the connected CPU.
- A ROM pack is attached to the CPU.
- The CPU’s operation mode is set to ROM writer mode.
- The CPU is running a process from another computer.