< 7. Sampling Trace >
TI 34M6A82-01E
2nd Edition : Nov. 1, 2002-00
7.4 Setting Sampling Trace
In this exercise, you will learn how to set up a sampling trace in online mode.
The procedure is the same as that for setting up sampling trace offline using the
Configuration dialog box.
1. Download the executable program (JISYU1) and enter online mode with
2. Select [Tool]–[Sampling Trace] to display the SmpTrace screen.
3. Select [Online]–[Sampling Trace Setup].
4. Enter data as shown below.
When specifying tag names or local device names, you can use the [Add] button to
display tag names and block names (you cannot specify tag names from the
Configuration dialog box).
In this exercise, global addresses are specified.
5. Click [Save] and save the file with any name (e.g., TRACE1). (To open the saved
file later, click [Open] and specify the file name.)