24 V Pow er S u p p ly ........................................................................294
A /D Conversion E rror (C P F 0 2 ).................................................... 241
A /D Conversion E rror (C P F 3 5 ).................................................... 243
A /D Conversion Start D elay.......................................................... 210
A 1 ......................................................................................................... 62
A1-02 (Control M ode) D ependent P a ra m e te rs .........................362
A C ................................................................................................ 62, 63
AC Reactors for EN 12015 C o m p lia n c e ....................................402
Accel/Decel R a m p .......................................................................... 316
Accel/Decel Setting R eso lu tio n ................................................... 146
A cceleration Error (E r-0 9 )............................................................ 262
A cceleration R a m p s........................................................................ 144
A ccess Level Selection.......................................................... 130, 134
A djusted Slip Calculation Error (E n d 4 )...................................... 260
Adjusting Position Lock at S t a r t ................................................. 114
Adjusting the Torque Compensation at S ta r t............................. 112
Adjustments for Riding C o m fo rt................................................. 113
Eliminating Problem with H u n tin g ...................................... 113
Eliminating Problem with Rollback...................................... 113
Eliminating Problem with V ib ra tio n .................................... 113
A LA RM (ALM) LED D isplays......................................................79
A larm and Error D is p la y s ............................................................ 237
A larm Outputs for Maintenance M onitors..................................276
A larm Register 007FH C o n te n ts ................................................. 390
A larm Register C o n te n ts ...............................................................390
A llowable Frequency F lu c tu a tio n ...................................... 314, 315
A llowable Voltage F luctuation.............................................314, 315
A LM LED L ight.................................................................................77
A M /FM Signal S electio n ................................................................. 67
A m bient Temperature........................................................................35
A m bient Temperature S e tt in g ............................................. 200, 319
Analog Input....................................................................................... 62
A nalog Input Filter Time C o n s ta n t............................................. 185
A nalog Input from Load Cell with Load Condition 1 ............. 222
A nalog Input from Load Cell w ith Load Condition 2 ............. 222
A nalog M onitor Card S ettin g s...................................................... 168
A nti-Rollback Integral G a in .......................................................... 223
Anti-Rollback M ovem ent Detection L e v e l ............................... 223
Anti-Rollback Torque Bias 1 ........................................................ 222
Anti-Rollback Torque Bias 2 ........................................................ 223
AO-A 3 Option Card S ettin g s........................................................ 168
A ttachm ent for External H e a tsin k ................................................. 310
A utom atic Torque Boost F u nction................................................. 201
A uto-T uning.......................................................................... 95, 98, 101
Auto-Tuning E rror D is p l a y s .......................................................... 240
Auto-Tuning Fault C odes................................................................... 99
Auto-Tuning Fault D etection.......................................................... 260
Auto-Tuning for Induction M o t o r s ...........................................92, 95
Auto-Tuning for Permanent M agnet M o to rs...........................93, 96
Auto-Tuning Input D a ta ...............................................................95, 96
Auto-Tuning Interruption and Fault C o d e s ....................................99
Auto-Tuning Mode Selection.......................................................... 101
Backing Up Param eter V alu es........................................................130
Baseblock C om m and........................................................................172
Basic Auto-Tuning P re p a ra tio n s......................................................98
Basic Procedure Required to Install the D riv e............................... 89
Before A uto-Tuning the D riv e .......................................................... 98
b o L .............................................................................................. 241, 253
Brake Close Delay T im e ................................................................. 219
Brake Release Delay T im e...............................................................219
Brake Response Error ( S E 4 ) .......................................................... 251
Brake Response Error (SE4) Detection Delay T im e ..................230
Brake S e q u e n c e ........................................................................110, 218
Brake Sequence Using Torque C om pensation............................. 111
Brake Sequence U sing Torque Com pensation at S t a r t ............. 111
Brake Sequence w ithout Torque C o m p e n sa tio n .........................110
Brake Sequence w ithout Torque Com pensation at S ta r t........... 110
Braking Transistor Overload ( b o L )...................................... 241, 253
Broadcast M essages.......................................................................... 389
B-Type Insulation.............................................................................. 159
bU S.............................................................................................. 241, 253
bUS Error Detection T im e ...............................................................170
Cable Length Between Drive and M o to r........................................ 60
Cannot Change Param eter S e ttin g s............................................... 126
Capacitor Maintenance S e ttin g ......................................................216
Capacitor Maintenance Time (L T -2 ).............................................255
Car Acceleration R a t e ..................................................................... 360
Carrier F re q u e n c y .......................................................... 152, 314, 315
Carrier Frequency D e ra tin g ............................................................ 318
Carrier Frequency during Initial M otor Pole S e a rc h ..................153
Carrier Frequency during Rescue O p e ra tio n ............................... 153
Carrier Frequency during Rotational A u to -T u n in g .................... 152
C E ........................................................................................241, 254, 373
CE Low Voltage D irective C om pliance........................................ 398
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual
Содержание L1000A Series
Страница 68: ...3 11 Wiring Checklist 72 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual...
Страница 264: ...6 8 Diagnosing and Resetting Faults 268 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual...
Страница 308: ...8 5 Installing Peripheral Devices 312 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual...
Страница 316: ...A 5 Drive Derating Data 320 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual...
Страница 390: ...C 12 Self Diagnostics 394 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual...