5.11 S: Elevator Parameters
Leveling Distance Control
Leveling Distance Control (S5-10 = 2) uses the leveling speed reference for the remaining distance to arrive at the
designated floor. Leveling Distance Control is activated when the conditions listed in
Table 5.16
are met.
Table 5.16 Leveling Distance Control Operation
Speed Priority Selection
Multi-Function Input Terminal Settings
Leveling Distance Control Start Conditions
Multi-step speed sequence
(d1-18 = 0,3)
The U p/Dow n command is not active or the speed reference is 0.
High speed reference has priority
(d1-18 = 1)
Leveling speed reference is selected
(Н 1 -П П = 53)
The U p/D ow n command is not active, or all input terminals set for
Н 1 -П П = 50 to 53 are open
Leveling speed reference is not selected
(Н 1 -П П Ф 53)
U p/D ow n command is not active.
Multi-step speed sequence
(d1-18 = 2)
Rated speed reference is selected
(Н 1 -П П = 50)
The U p/Dow n command is not active, or all input terminals set for
Н 1 -П П = 50 to 53 are open.
Rated speed reference is not selected
(Н 1 -П П Ф 50)
U p/D ow n command is not active.
Run Command
(Forward [Up] / Reverse [Down])
<1> A rea S is the stopping distance (S5-12) from the point at w hich leveling operation is complete to w hen the car arrives at the designated
F ig u r e 5 .4 7 O p e r a tio n S e q u e n c e E x a m p le f o r L e v e lin g D is t a n c e C o n tro l
■ S5-10: Stopping Method Selection
Selects the stopping method.
Parameter Name
Setting Range
Stopping Method Selection
0 to 2
0: Disable
1: Direct Landing
2: Leveling Distance Control
■ S5-11: Deceleration Distance
Sets the deceleration distance when Stop Distance Control is enabled.
Refer to Direct Landing on page 228
for details.
Parameter Name
Setting Range
Deceleration Distance
0 to 32767 mm <1>
0 mm
<1> The setting range becomes 0.00 to 650.00 inches w hen the length units are set for inches (o1-12 = 1).
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual
Содержание L1000A Series
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