5.10 o: Operator Related Settings
■ o1-04: V/f Pattern Setting Units
Determines the units used for the frequency reference when setting parameters that create the V /f pattern: E1-04, E1-06,
E1-09, E1-11, and E2-04. For motor 2, this includes parameters E3-04, E3-06, E3-07, E3-09, and E4-04.
Enabled only in vector control modes (CLV and CLV/PM).
Setting Range
V /f Pattern Setting Units
0 or 1
Determined by A 1-02
Setting 0: Hz
Setting 1: r/min
For m otor 2, o1-04 can only be set to 0 for Hertz.
■ o1-10: User-Set Display Units Maximum Value
Determines the display value that is equal to the maximum output frequency.
Setting Range
User-Set Display Units M aximum Value
1 to 60000
Determined by o1-03
N ote: This param eter is displayed only w hen the drive is set to allow for user-set units (o1-03 = 3).
■ o1-11: User-Set Display Units Decimal Display
Determines how many decimal points should be used to set and display the speed reference.
Setting Range
User-Set Display Units D ecim al Display
0 to 3
Determined by o1-03
Setting 0: No decim al point
Setting 1: One decimal point
Setting 2: Two decimal points
Setting 3: Three decimal points
■ o1-12: Length Units
Sets the units used for distance control and for the sheave diameter.
Note: This param eter determines w hether the following param eters are set in m illim eters or inches: o1-20, S5-11, S5-12, U4-42,
U 4-33, and U4-44.
Setting Range
Length Units
0 or 1
0: Millimeter units
1: Inch units
■ o1-20: Traction Sheave Diameter
M a k e sure th a t th e traction s h e a v e d ia m e te r (o1-20), the d e c e le ra tio n d ista n ce (S5-11) a n d th e s top d ista n ce (S 5-12) are
a ll s e t to th e c o rre c t u n its. If th e se se ttin g s a re incorrect, the e le v a to r w ill n o t stop a t the d e s ig n a te d location, ove rrun w ill occur, a n d
m a y ca u se s e rio u s in ju ry o r death. B efo re u s in g stop d ista n ce control, m a k e sure th a t p a ra m e te r o1-20, S5-11, a n d S 5-1 2 are s e t to
Sets the traction sheave diameter.
Setting Range
Traction Sheave Diameter
100 to 2000 mm <1>
400 mm <1>
<1> The default setting will change i f the length units are set in inches (o1-12 = 1). The setting range will become 3.70 to 78.00 inches, and the
default will be 15.70 inches.
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual
Содержание L1000A Series
Страница 68: ...3 11 Wiring Checklist 72 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual...
Страница 264: ...6 8 Diagnosing and Resetting Faults 268 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual...
Страница 308: ...8 5 Installing Peripheral Devices 312 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual...
Страница 316: ...A 5 Drive Derating Data 320 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual...
Страница 390: ...C 12 Self Diagnostics 394 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual...