4.6 Setup Procedure for Elevator Applications
♦ Brake Sequence
S ud de n M o v e m e n t H azard. R a p id d e c e le ra tio n m a y ca u se th e d riv e to fa u lt o n an o v e rv o lta g e condition, re s u ltin g in death
o r s e rio u s in ju ry d u e to an u n c o n tro lle d m o to r state. B e sure to se t an a c c e p ta b le d e c e le ra tio n tim e in p a ra m e te r C1-09,
E m e rg e n c y S to p Ram p, w h en u s in g the fa st-sto p feature.
A lw a y s turn o ff the R U N c o m m a n d b e fo re c h a n g in g the s e ttin g o f p a ra m e te rs d 1 -1 8 (S p e e d R e fe re n c e S ele ctio n M ode), b1-
01 (S p e e d R e fe re n ce S election), o r H 1 - 0 0 ( M u lt i- F u n c tio n D ig ita l Inputs). I f the R U N c o m m a n d is on w h en c h a n g in g a n y o f these
settings, the m o to r m a y u n e x p e c te d ly sta rt running, a n d c o u ld re s u lt in injury.
The drive supports two types of brake sequences, one with torque compensation at start using an analog input terminal
(H3-DD = 14) and the other without torque compensation at start.
■ Brake Sequence without Torque Compensation
To configure the brake sequence operation without torque compensation, do not set any analog input terminals for
“Torque compensation” (H3-DD = 14).
(Up/Down Command
Delay Time)
Up/Down Command
Safe disable (terminals H1/H2 on)
and Baseblock off (H1-DD=8/9)
Output Contactor Control
(H2-DD = 51)
Motor Contactor Response
(H1-DD = 56)
Brake Control (H2-DD = 50)
I Enabled
F ig u r e 4 .1 5 B ra k e S e q u e n c e w ith o u t T o r q u e C o m p e n s a t i o n a t S ta r t
Figure 4.15
is divided into time zones.
Table 4.11
explains the sequence in each time zone.
Table 4.11 Time Zones fo r Brake Sequence w ithout Torque Compensation at Start
T im e Z o n e
D e s c rip tio n
Up or Down com m and is issued.
Safe Disable term inals H 1-H C and H 2-H C m ust be set and B aseblock m ust be disabled (digital inputs set to H 1 -D D = 8/9).
Speed reference m ust be selected by m ulti-function input term inals.
O utput contactor control signal is set (H 2 -D D = 51) by the drive.
Drive waits for the “M otor Contactor Feedback” signal (H 1 -D D = 56) to be issued. I f the m otor contactor feedback is no t received w ithin t1, or if
the feedback signal is on before the contactor control com m and has been issued, an SE1 fault is triggered.
I f the m otor contactor feedback signal is not used, then the drive w aits for the operation start delay tim e set in S1-10 to pass, then proceeds to the
n ext step.
A fter the delay tim e set in S1-10 has passed, the drive outputs current to the motor.
DC Injection Braking or Position Lock begins.
A fter the brake release delay tim e set in S1-06 has passed, the drive sets the “Brake Control” output (H 2 -D D = 50) in order to release the brake.
DC Injection Braking or Position L ock will continue until:
the tim e S1-04 has elapsed, or
the tim e S1-06 has elapsed if S1-06 > S1-04 (this setting should be avoided since the m otor could be driven against the applied brake).
The drive accelerates up to the selected speed. The speed is kept constant until the leveling speed is selected.
Leveling speed is selected. The drive decelerates to the leveling speed and m aintains th at speed until the Up or D ow n com m and is removed.
The Up or Down signal is cleared. The drive decelerates to zero speed.
The m otor speed reaches the zero speed level (S1-01).
DC Injection Braking or Position L ock is then executed for the tim e set in S1-05.
A fter the delay tim e to close th e brake set in S1-07 has passed, the drive clears the “Brake Control” output (H 2 -D D = 50). The brake applies.
The drive continues DC Injection or Position L ock until the tim e S1-05 has passed. W hen S1-05 has passed the drive output is shut off.
A fter the delay for the m agnetic contactor set in S1-11 has passed, the drive resets the output term inal set for “O utput Contactor Control” (H2-
□ □ = 51).
The Safe Disable Inputs can be cleared and B aseblock can be enabled.
(DC Injection/
Time at Start)
DC Injection Braking/
Position Lock at Start
Selected Speed
(Leveling Speed)
(DC Injection
-— Braking/Position — )
Lock Time at stop)
DC Injection/
Position Lock at Stop
(Output Contactor
Open Delay Time)
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual
Содержание L1000A Series
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