2.2 Mechanical Installation
Mechanical Installation
This section outlines specifications, procedures, and the environment for proper mechanical installation o f the drive.
C ru sh H azard. C a rryin g the drive b y the fro n t c o v e r m a y ca u se the m a in b o d y o f th e drive to fall, re s u ltin g in m in o r o r
m o d e ra te injury. A lw a y s h o ld the c a s e w h en c a rry in g th e drive.
♦ Installation Environment
Install the drive in an environment matching the specifications below to help prolong the optimum performance life of
the drive.
Table 2.1 Installation Environment
Installation A rea
A m b ien t Tem perature
-10 °C to +50 °C (IP20 enclosure)
Drive reliability improves in environments without w ide temperature fluctuations.
W hen using the drive in an enclosure panel, install a cooling fan or air conditioner in the area to ensure that the air temperature inside the enclosure
does not exceed the specified levels.
D o not allow ice to develop on the drive.
H u m id ity
95% RH or less and free o f condensation
Storage Tem perature
-20 to 60 °C
Surrounding A rea
Install the drive in an area free from:
• oil m ist and dust
• metal shavings, oil, water or other foreign materials
• radioactive materials
• combustible materials (e.g., w ood)
• harmful gases and liquids
• excessive vibration
• chlorides
• direct sunlight
A ltitude
1000 m or lower, up to 3000 m with derating (Refer to D rive D era tin g D a ta on p a g e 3 1 8 )
V ibration
10 to 20 H z at 9.8 m /s2
20 to 55 H z at 5.9 m /s2
O rientation
Install the drive vertically to maintain maximum cooling effects.
N O T IC E :
A v o id p la c in g d riv e p e rip h e ra l devices, transfo rm e rs, o r o th e r e le c tro n ic s n e a r the drive as th e n o is e c re a te d c an le a d to
e rro n e o u s operation. I f such d e vice s m u s t b e u s e d in clo s e p ro x im ity to the drive, take p ro p e r step s to s h ie ld the d riv e from noise.
P re v e n t fo re ig n m a tte r such as m e ta l s h a v in g s a n d w ire c lip p in g s from fa llin g in to the drive d u rin g in sta lla tion . F ailure to
c o m p ly c o u ld re s u lt in da m a g e to the drive. P la ce a te m p o ra ry c o v e r o v e r the top o f the drive d u rin g in sta lla tion . R e m o v e the
te m p o ra ry c o v e r b e fo re startup, as the c o v e r w ill re d u c e v e n tila tio n a n d ca u se the drive to overheat.
♦ Installation Orientation and Spacing
F ire H azard. P ro v id e s u ffic ie n t c o o lin g w h en in s ta llin g the d riv e in s id e an e n c lo s e d p a n e l o r cabinet. F ailure to c o m p ly
c o u ld re s u lt in o v e rh e a tin g a n d fire. W hen drive s are p la c e d in s id e th e sam e e n c lo s u re panel, in s ta ll p ro p e r c o o lin g to e n s u re a ir
e n te rin g th e e n c lo s u re d o e s n o t e x c e e d 5 0 °C.
■ Installation Orientation
Install the drive upright as illustrated in
Figure 2.1
to maintain proper cooling. Refer to
Mechanical Installation on
page 35
for details on installing the drive.
Not OK
Not OK
F ig u r e 2.1 C o r r e c t In s ta lla tio n O rie n ta tio n
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual
Содержание L1000A Series
Страница 68: ...3 11 Wiring Checklist 72 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual...
Страница 264: ...6 8 Diagnosing and Resetting Faults 268 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual...
Страница 308: ...8 5 Installing Peripheral Devices 312 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual...
Страница 316: ...A 5 Drive Derating Data 320 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual...
Страница 390: ...C 12 Self Diagnostics 394 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual...