The motion module has an internal temperature monitoring of the μ-controller and the
power stage. Via the object dictionary limit temperatures can be defined. If the tempera-
ture over or under runs the limit values, there is an error reaction of the motion module,
‘0x8780-02 - Temperature µ-Controller actual value’
The by the power stages driven current
‘0x8600-03 - Current set value’ on page 132
the windings of the motor is monitored. The set-point current is limited to a configurable
‘0x8600-04 - Current limit positive direction’ on page 133
‘0x8600-05 - Current limit negative direction’ on page 133
‘0x8100-02 - Status word’ on page 110
. If the actual current exceeds the
permissible motor current
‘0x8C00-04 - Motor max. current’ on page 141
error reaction of the motion module, which can be configured.
The motion module monitors the traversing of a positioning. When specifying a target
position, with exceeding a configurable limit in positive or negative direction of movement,
the target position changed to a limit value. You will get a feedback on an active limitation
‘0x8100-02 - Status word’ on page 110
. Exceeds the actual position one of the con-
figurable values in positive or negative direction of movement, this is also reported via
‘0x8100-02 - Status word’ on page 110
. The module monitors the internally generated
position set point and actual value. This deviation is called "Lag error". If the lag error
exceeds the configurable limit value, there is an error reaction of the motion module,
which can be configured.
The motion module monitors the velocity. The set velocity is limited to a configurable
value and with active limitation reported via
‘0x8100-02 - Status word’ on page 110
When the value of the actual velocity exceeds the maximum permissible motor velocity
‘0x8C00-07 - Motor max. velocity’ on page 142
and there is an error reaction of the motion module, which can
be configured.
The following errors can trigger an error reaction:
Error max. velocity exceeded
‘0x8500-02 - Velocity control actual value’ on page 128
Error lag error
‘0x8480-10 - Lag error’ on page 126
‘0x8480-12 - Lag error error’ on page 127
Temperature error µ-Controller
‘0x8780-02 - Temperature µ-Controller actual value’ on page 139
Temperature µ-Controller error level’ on page 140
Temperature error power stage motion module
‘0x8780-07 - Temperature power stage actual value’ on page 140
Temperature power stage error level’ on page 141
Error system communication timeout
‘0x6100-10 - System message timeout maximum’ on page 103
Error command output disable (BASP)
On error, the motion module starts an error reaction. The error reaction can be config-
ured. Here you have the following possibilities:
Immediate state change to
‘Switch on disabled’
Break with quick stop deceleration
‘0x8580-03 - Deceleration quick stop value’
and subsequent state change to
‘Switch on disabled’
Temperature monitoring
Current monitoring
Position monitoring
Velocity monitoring
Error reaction
Monitoring and error reaction > Overview
HB300 | FM | 054-1CB00 | en | 18-06