Enable RX Pattern Checker for 80-bit or 160-bit Data Widths
1. Using the DRP interface, write the following values to CH[0/1]_RX_PCS_CFG0[4:0] (address
0x080 for CH0, 0x280 for CH1):
a. CH[0/1]_RX_PCS_CFG0[4:0] = 0x12 for 80-bit data width mode.
b. CH[0/1]_RX_PCS_CFG0[4:0] = 0x14 for 160-bit data width mode.
2. Enable the PRBS checker by setting CH[0/1]_RXPRBSPTN to the required value for the
desired pattern.
RX PRBS pattern checker is enabled.
Disable RX Pattern Checker for 80-bit or 160-bit Data Widths
1. Disable the PRBS checker by setting CH[0/1]_RXPRBSPTN[3:0] to
2. Using the DRP interface, write the following values to CH[0/1]_RX_PCS_CFG0[4:0] (address
0x083 for CH0, 0x283 for CH1):
a. CH[0/1]_RX_PCS_CFG0[4:0] = 0x09 for 80-bit data width mode.
b. CH[0/1]_RX_PCS_CFG0[4:0] = 0x0B for 160-bit data width mode.
3. Set CH[0/1]_RXPMARESETMASK = 0x0.
4. Toggle CH[0/1]_GTRXRESET High and Low.
5. Wait for CH[0/1]_RXRESETDONE to toggle High.
6. Set CH[0/1]_RXPMARESETMASK = 0x7F.
RX PRBS pattern checker is disabled.
RX Buffer
The GTM transceiver RX datapath has two internal parallel clock domains used in the PCS: the
interface with PMA parallel clock domain (XCLK), and the PCS internal clock domain
(RXUSRCLK). To receive data, the RX buffer provides data width conversion between these clock
domains when necessary, depending on the operating data width and encoding mode. The
following figure shows the RX datapath clock domains.
Chapter 4: Receiver
UG581 (v1.0) January 4, 2019
Virtex Ult GTM Transceivers