Table 16–2: LC-EC conditions for analysis of norepinephrine
ODS-2, 3 µm, 100 x 4.6 mm
Flow rate
1.0 mL/min
Mobile phase
50 mM, citric acid 50 mM, 20 mg/L
EDTA, 100 mg/L octane sulphonic acid (OSA),
pH=3.1 with KOH, 5% methanol
1.0 µmol/L norepinephrine, 20-µL injection
Flow cell
VT-03 flow cell with 3-mm GC WE mounted
with 50-µm spacer
E cell
800 mV (vs. Ag/AgCl, filled with saturated KCl)
Approx. 3 nA
Industry literature describes several ways to determine the detection limit. In principle, it does not
matter which definition of detection limit is used, as long as the definition is precisely described.
In this manual, the concentration detection limit (cLOD) for a compound is defined as the analyte
concentration that results in a signal that is three times the standard deviation of the noise:
where sigma-noise is 0.2 x peak-to-peak noise and cA is the concentration of analyte injected.
shows a typical S/N ratio of a VT-03
glassy carbon flow cell with 2.74-mm WE. In this example the concentration detection limit for
norepinephrine, based on three times the sigma-noise, is 11 pmol/L (refer to the "LC-EC
conditions for analysis of norepinephrine" table).
Expressing the performance of a detection system by only the peak height makes no sense. A
system can easily be changed so that a larger peak height is obtained. However, if the noise
increases similarly, it has the same effect as switching a recorder to a higher sensitivity: peaks
appear higher but the S/N ratio is the same.
Expressing the limit of detection in an absolute amount (that is, in picomoles) without mentioning
the injection volume makes comparison between different systems difficult.
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