Table 12–6: High cell current
Possible cause
Contaminated buffer
Replace buffer, do not recycle the buffer
High WE potential
Optimize potential, if possible: use smaller WE
Salt bridge in REF not saturated
Refill with wetted KCl crystals
Retained peaks from previous runs
Wait for elution of these (very) broad peaks
Column is “bleeding”
Replace column
High amount of Fe
in buffer
Add EDTA to buffer, rinse metal parts with 15%
Table 12–7: Noisy baseline
Possible cause
Salt bridge in REF not saturated
Refill with saturated KCl, add wetted KCl
Air bubble in REF or in cell
Remove air bubble, continuously degas the
mobile phase
Slow temperature fluctuations
Isolate detector cell, set oven temperature
Fouled WE
Clean WE
Leaking REF or cell
Tighten connections with care
Table 12–8: Decreased sensitivity (low S/N ratio)
Possible cause
Fouled WE from dirty samples
Clean WE, if possible; dilute samples
Cell potential too low
Optimize potential
Contaminated buffer (high Icell)
Replace buffer, do not recycle the buffer
Table 12–9: Saturation of output
Possible cause
Damaged REF
Check with spare REF, replace if necessary
Damaged WE
Replace cell block
Cell incorrectly connected
Check connections (REF: black, WE: red, AUX:
Cell potential too high
Optimize cell potential
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