158 Fieldbus Communication
750-363/0040-0000 FC EtherNet/IP G4 ECO XTR
Version 1.0.0
The addresses of the DNS server are configured via DHCP, BootP or web-based
management. Up to 2 DNS servers can be specified. The host identification can
be achieved with two functions; an internal host table is not supported. SNTP-Client (Simple Network Time Protocol)
The SNTP client is used for synchronization of the time of day between a time
server (NTP and SNTP server Version 3 and 4 are supported) and the internal
system time in the (programmable) fieldbus coupler or controller. The protocol is
executed via a UDP port. Only unicast addressing is supported.
Configuration of the SNTP client
The configuration of the SNTP client is performed via the web-based
management system. The following parameters must be set:
Table 81: Meaning of the SNTP Parameters
WBM page “TCP/IP”
The address assignment can be made over an IP address.
WBM page “TCP/IP”
„SNTP Update Time (sec,
max. 65535) ”
The update time indicates the interval in seconds, in which the
synchronization with the time server is to take place.
WBM page “Clock”
“Timezone (+/-
To operate the ETHERNET couplers/controllers with SNTP in
various countries, you must specify a time zone. The time zone
relative to GMT (Greenwich Mean time). A range of -12 to +14
hours is acceptable.
WBM page “Port”
It indicates whether the SNTP Client is to be activated or
deactivated. FTP-Server (File Transfer Protocol)
The file transfer protocol (FTP) enables files to be exchanged between different
network stations regardless of operating system.
In the case of the ETHERNET coupler/controller, FTP is used to store and read
the HTML pages created by the user, the IEC61131 program and the IEC61131
source code in the (programmable) fieldbus coupler or controller.
A total memory of 1 GB is available for the internal file system.
Cycles for flash limited to 1 million!
Up to 1 million write cycles per sector are allowed when writing the flash for the
file system. The file system supports “Wear-Leveling”, so that the same sectors
are not always written to.