146 Diagnostics
750-363/0040-0000 FC EtherNet/IP G4 ECO XTR
Version 1.0.0
10.2 Fault Behavior
10.2.1 Fieldbus Failure
For the fieldbus connections, the EtherNet/IP master (scanner) and the slave
(adapter) use integrated timeout monitoring.
If there is a fieldbus failure, the established connections are no longer serviced
and the connection partners detect a timeout condition.
A field bus failure is indicated when the “NS”-LED is blinking red.
Further Information
For detailed information on the ‘NS‘ LED see Chapter "Diagnostics“ >> … >>
„Evaluating Fieldbus Status“.
10.2.2 Local Bus Failure
I/O LED indicates a local bus failure.
When a local bus failure occurs, the head station generates an error message
(error code and error argument) via the red-flashing I/O LED (see chapter
"Diagnostics" => "Evaluating Node Status - I/O LED (Blink Code Table)").
If the local bus completely fails, output modules switch to defined states, e.g.
"Off" or "0 V".
A fieldbus node consists of head station, five I/O modules with process data and
the end module.
The output of one digital output module is activated.
If the end module is removed of the fieldbus node during operation, the local bus
is interrupted. The output of the digital output module is automatically
deactivated and the I/O LED flashes red and indicates with it error message 4/5.
The flashing code table provides for error code 4: "Physical error, local bus" with
error argument 5: "Interruption of the local bus behind the nth I/O module with
process data”.
If the end module is re-inserted into the fieldbus node, the local bus will restart
after a few seconds. After the initialization blink code is completely, the I/O LED
lights up again in a steady green and the transmission of the process data is
resumed. Also the output of the digital output module is re-activated.