SD500 Spindle Servo Drive Manual
5.2.2 Pulse Speed Control
The speed command source is given by pulse, and the 5V differential signals given by CNC system are connected to PULS+(20),
PULS-(5), SIGN+(19), SIGN-(4) respectively, please note that these four ports only receive 5V differential signals;
The pulse type and direction are changed by F15.02 (pulse counting mode), the related debugging parameters are the same as the speed list
above, F01.02 default is 10 (given by pulse).
5.2.3 Speed Control Parameter Adjustment
Parameters related to ASR (speed loop) and PI.
F15.35 toggle switch between ADRC and PI.
F15.35 = 0, speed mode, position mode and orientation all with the PI controller;
F03.02 ASR proportional gain 1 (high speed gain); F03.03 ASR integral time 1 (high speed integration); F03.04 ASR filter time 1;
F03.05 ASR switching frequency 1;
F03.06 ASR proportional gain 2 (low speed gain); F03.07 ASR integral time 2 (low speed integration); F03.08 ASR filter time 2;
F03.09 ASR switching frequency 2.
The schematic diagram of the speed loop proportional gain and integration time switching is as follows.
Figure 5-2
Parameters related to ADRC.
F15.35 toggle switch between ADRC and PI control.
When F15.35=1, ADRC is used for speed mode and orientation mode, and PI is used for position mode; when F15.35=2, ADRC is used
for speed mode, position mode, and orientation mode all.
After turning on ADRC, it’s important to adjust F15.33 ADRC observer gain β2, F15.34 ADRC input
factor b but F03.02 and F03.06 are
still valid.
F15.33 is equivalent to the integral gain (1/Ti) of PI control. The larger, the more rigid it is, currently the default 100 is considered as high
rigidity. When conmection between the encoder and motor is non-rigid, please reduce its gain, otherwise it is easy to vibrate. When F2.40=1, the
single spindle mode, it will be automatically set to 30.