Vatech A9 (PHT-30CSS)
Technical manual
191 / 214
Set the reference temperature at which the tube fan turns on
(ex. 400 = 40 degrees or more, Fan ON)
4-Axis Collimator Move Instruction
0001: CT inner circle position
0002: CT outer circle position
0003: Cu filter position
0004: Al filter position
0005: Scan CEPH
0007: PANO position
0010: Cu + Al filter position
Initializer position initialization (initializing instruction to move
to origin)
CEPH function enabled/disabled setting.
00: CEPH mode disable.
01 : Scan CEPH (cone beam) enable
02: Scan CEPH (fan beam) enable
03 : One-shot CEPH (Large FOV) enable
04: One-shot CEPH (Small FOV, TOK-Troy) enable
05 : Scan CEPH (cone beam)Table Scan Enable
Packing mode setting command (0001: Packing mode
enable, 0000: Packing mode disable)
The command asks if packing mode is set. Notify that in
packing mode or not.
Command to check the exposure switch pressed in capture
([epm_echk_001] : exposure switch not pressed,
[epm_echk_002] exposure switch pressed
Command to check the door status in capture software.
[epm_dchk_001] : Door Normal (closed)
[epm_dchk_002] : Door Abnormal (open)
* Always send [epm_dchk_001] if the Door Lock option is
Command to set whether to apply power profile when
shooting panoramas (0001: apply power profile, 0000: do not
apply power profile)
Initialized by applying power profile every time the instrument
is turned on (not saved in ROM)
Command to Require the X-Ray Count
[SMP_PCNT_xxxxx]: PANOrama capture count response
[SMP_HCNT_xxxxx]: CEPH capture count response
[SMP_PCNT_xxxxx]: ARCT capture count response
Command to initialize the X-ray exposure count.
0000: PANO/CT/CEPH/ARCT initialization, 0001: PANO
initialization, 0002: CT initialization, 0003: CEPH initialization
0004: ARCT initialization
Read the current canine laser beam position