ASFIFF12 High Speed
vacon • 53
24-hour s358 (0)40 837 1150 • Email: [email protected]
Long ramp times
By setting parameter P.2.1.16, Long Ramps, to YES, is it possible to set the acceleration
and deceleration -times between 1-30 000s (8h 20min) with one-second resolution.
If No is selected (default) is the max acceleration/deceleration time 0,1-3000s.
1502 Licence
By entering a license code to parameter P2.9.14 is it possible to run up to 7200Hz.
This code is different for every drive and has to be purchased from Vacon. When
ordering the drive with this feature, the code will be calculated before delivery. If the user
wants to activate the feature afterwards, he has to inform Vacon about the serial number
of the power unit(s) for the drive(s) where the feature is wanted.
Max Voltage Index
This parameter can be used to limit the drive operating point not to exceed the linear
modulation range in which case the over modulation range is not allowed. 100% is the
limit for the linear modulation. Six-step modulation requires the set value
minimum of 113%
Torque Stabilizer Damping Coefficient
The function of the torque stabilizer is to damp the speed oscillations, which occur
especially at light loads, by damping the torque oscillations. This parameter defines the
damping coefficient for the torque stabilizer. In general, the higher the inertia of the
system with respect the motor torque, the lower the oscillations are in frequency and the
closer the value should be 1000. The torque stabilizer affects directly the output
frequency of the drive.
Torque Stabilizer Gain At Aero Frequency
This parameter defines the additional gain of the torque stabilizer at the zero frequency
The actual gain at zero frequency is (P2.9.2 + P2.9.3)
The higher the gain, the stronger effect the stabilizer has at zero frequency. Too high
gain may result in problems with stability.
Torque Stabilizer Gain in FWP
This parameter defines the gain of the torque stabilizer at the field weakening point
frequency. The gain changes linearly with the frequency between zero and the field
weakening point frequency.
Flux Stabilizer Gain
The flux stabilizer is used to damp the oscillations in motor magnetizing current part. This
parameter defines the gain of the flux stabilizer. The flux stabilizer works like the torque
stabilizer but affects directly the output voltage instead of the frequency. The higher the
gain the stronger effect the stabilizer has. Too high gain may result in problems with