ASFIFF12 High Speed
vacon • 41
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631 Identification
Identification Run is a part of tuning the motor and the drive specific parameters. It is a
tool for commissioning and service of the drive with the aim to find as good parameter
values as possible for most drives. The automatic motor identification calculates or
measures the motor parameters that are needed for optimum motor and speed control.
= No action
No identification requested.
= Identification without motor run
The drive is run without speed to identify the motor parameters. The motor is supplied
with current and voltage but with zero frequency. U/f ratio is identified.
= Identification with motor run
The drive is run with speed to identify the motor parameters. U/f ratio and magnetization
current is identified.
It is required to do the this identification run with no load on the motor shaft for
accurate results.
The basic motor name plate data has to be set correctly before performing the identifi-
cation run:
ID110 Nominal voltage of the motor (par. 2.1.6)
ID111 Nominal frequency of the motor (par. 2.1.7)
ID112 Nominal speed of the motor (par. 2.1.8)
ID113 Nominal current of the motor (par. 2.1.9)
ID120 Motor cos phi (par. 2.1.10)
When in closed loop and with an encoder installed, also the parameter for pulses /
revolutions (in Menu M7) has to be set.
The automatic identification is activated by setting this parameter to the appropriate
value followed by a start command in the requested direction. The start command to the
drive has to be given within 20 s. If no start command is given within 20 s the identifi-
cation run is cancelled and the parameter will be reset to its default setting. The iden-
tification run can be stopped any time with normal stop command and the parameter is
reset to its default setting. In case identification run detects fault or other problems, the
identification run is completed if possible. After the identification is finished, the applica-
tion checks the status of the identification and generates fault/ warning if any.
During Identification Run, the brake control is disabled (see chapter
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source not found.
After identification is made drive requires rising edge of start command.