Type I IDs are in the format FFF-SS where FFF is the fleet and SS is the sub-fleet. Type I systems
are usually organized with different IDs assigned to different fleets. For example, a valid fleet/
subfleet ID identifying all detectives within a police department might be 000-12, where 000
identifies all police IDs and 12 identifies the Detective division. To properly trunk a Type I system,
you have to program the fleet map for the system.
Type II IDs are identified by a 5-digit number.
EDACS IDs come in two display formats: AFS and Decimal.
AFS IDs are in the form AA-FFS where AA is the agency, FF is the fleet, and S is the sub-fleet.
EDACS systems are organized with different IDs assigned to different fleets and agencies. For
example, a valid agency/fleet/subfleet ID identifying all detectives within a police department in an
agency might be 06-101, where 06 identifies the agency (Police), 10 identifies the Police division
(East side), and 1 identifies the Detective division.
Decimal IDs are shown as a decimal number from 0 to 2047.
I-Call IDS (Motorola/EDACS only) are direct unit-to-unit transmissions that are not heard by other
system users. I-call IDs are usually 6-digit IDs (ex: 700152).
Unit IDS (or Radio IDs) are 7 or 8 digit numbers identifying individual radios.
Note: To view unit IDs you have to turn the option on in the ‘Settings’ menu.
LTR IDS are in the format A-HH-UUU where A is the area code (0 or 1), HH is the home repeater
(01-20), and UUU is the user ID (000-254).