Trunk Tracker V Operation
– Follows conversations on analog Motorola, Motorola Astro 25
(APCO 25) Phase I and Phase II, P25 One-Frequency Trunk, EDACS, EDACS SCAT, and LTR
trunked radio systems, including systems in VHF, UHF, 700 MHz, 800 MHz, and 900 MHz bands.
APCO 25 Phase I and Phase II Support
– Allows you to receive transmissions with these
decoding protocols.
Dynamically Allocated Channel Memory
– Organized into ‘Systems’, ‘Sites’, (within trunking
systems), ‘Groups’ (within systems), and channels (within groups). Up to 500 systems, 1,000 total
sites (max 256 per system), 20 groups per system, and 25,000 channels (500 max IDs or 1,000
frequencies per system).
Multi-Site Trunking
– Lets you program the scanner to share trunked system IDs across multiple
sites without duplicating IDs, and turn each site on and off independently so that you can select
the best site to scan for your area.
Control Channel Only Scanning
– Allows you to enter just the control channels to track a
Motorola system and the scanner will find the voice channels.
System/Channel Number Tagging
– Number tags allow you to quickly navigate to a specific
system or channel. You can assign number tags to systems, channels, service searches, and
custom search ranges. You can also assign a number tag to the ‘Close Call’ system created
during ‘Close Call Auto Store’ and the temporary system ‘Close Call Hits’.
Band Scope Mode
– Band Scope mode is a special type of search mode where the scanner
graphically displays the strength of any signal it finds.
Priority/Priority Plus Scan
– Priority channels let you keep track of activity on your most
important channels while monitoring other channels for transmissions and you can scan just the
priority channels.
Priority ID Scan
– Allows you to set priority to talkgroup IDs.
Preemptive Priority
– A feature that works on Motorola systems. If the Motorola system has
priority channels, and you assign one of those talkgroups as priority in the scanner, then when
one of those channels becomes active, the scanner will jump to it even if it is on a different system
voice channel (i.e. it preempts your current reception).
– Provides the ability to monitor analog talkgroups on those systems.
Adjustable Scan/Search Delay/Resume
– Set a delay up to 30 seconds or a forced resume up
to 10 seconds. (per system or search).
Intermediate Frequency Exchange
– Changes the IF used for a selected channel/frequency to
help avoid image and other mixer-product interference.
Individual Channel Volume Offset
– Allows you to adjust the volume offset for each channel.
Control Channel Data Output
– Allows the analysis of control channel data without the need to
perform invasive modifications to the scanner.
Private Systems
– Lets you flag a system so that it cannot be read out of the scanner or modified
(only with optional software).
Key Safe Mode
– Lets you hand the scanner to a novice user and prevent programming from
being modified.
Start-up Configuration
– You can program each of your conventional systems, trunked sites,
service searches, or custom searches with a ‘Startup Key’ (0-9) so that when you power up the
scanner and press the key number, just those systems/sites/searches assigned to the key will be
enabled for scan (groups are not affected).