STE 85357
Check of Each Cable and Air Tube for Abrasion
Disassemble the arm 2 cover and the base rear cover, and make sure that each
cable is not worn out, broken or cracked. Especially, carefully inspect the vicinity of
the cable outlets.
For how to dis
mount the covers, see “Para. 4.3, Dismounting and Mounting Each
The figure below shows an example of air tube installation.
Also inspect the wear and disorder of the air tube as well as the pipe connection.
Make sure that the air tube is not worn out and is installed properly, and pipe
connection is correct. Otherwise, correct them.
Fig. 4.3 Cable inspection locations (THL800, THL900, THL1000)
Make holes on the
metal plate cover, and
fasten the air tubes
with bolts and nuts.
Make sure that the air tube
is connected securely.
Check the cables around the
axes 3 and 4 motor.
Make sure that the
air tube is connected
Cable tie
Check for wear
around the cable
Check for wear around the
cable outlets.