STE 85357
Adjusting and Replacing Timing Belt
The timing belt is to be replaced by our service engineer. If it is replaced by the
customer, we will not guarantee any consequential trouble or accident.
• The timing belt should be replaced with a new one only after the controller power supply
plug is removed. If the work is done while the power is connected, you may get an electric
shock or the robot may malfunction, which is very dangerous.
• The axis 3 motor is provided with a brake. At replacement of the axis 3 timing belt, this
brake becomes inoperative. Before starting the work, therefore, move down the shaft to
the lower limit. Otherwise, the shaft will drop due to the dead weight of the shaft or
workpiece, and your hand or finger may be caught.
• Because the timing belt is disconnected, the mechanical home point shifts and proper
control cannot be done. To avoid this, home return operation is necessary after
replacement of the timing belt. For the home r
eturn procedures, see “Section 7, Robot
Home Point and Position Detector Error.”
Type of Timing Belt
The timing belts used in this robot are shown below.
When you place an order for a replacement belt, specify the robot model (THL500,
THL600, THL700), the serial number, the axis name, and our drawing number.
For the location where the serial number plate is attached, see the
“Safety Manual.”
Table 3.3 Type of timing belt (THL500, THL600, THL700)
Axis name
Our drawing No.
Timing belt
Axis 3
10 mm
Axis 4
15 mm