Connecting to the RemotEye II via SNMP
Executing SNMP Gets and Sets
Besides receiving traps, an NMS can perform the valuable functions of SNMP gets
and sets through RemotEye II.
An SNMP get entails retrieving information. This is a request from a Manager to an
Agent for information the Agent has collected.
An SNMP set entails configuring a device parameter. This is a command from a
Manager to an Agent instructing the Agent to change some setup parameter. The
setup parameter may apply to the agent or the agent’s network device for which it is
SNMP Get/Set Criteria
Successful SNMP gets and sets from an NMS depend upon RemotEye II settings.
The RemotEye II acts as a shield, refusing access to machines that do not meet its
setup criteria. If the RemotEye II provides an NMS with Read access, SNMP gets are
allowed, if RemotEye II provides NMS with Write access, both SNMP gets and
SNMP sets are allowed.
The RemotEye II uses the community values listed in the RemotEye II Control Group
and the entries listed in the SNMP Communities to render get/set requests from
network machines. The evaluation techniques are described in the following sections.
NMS Unlisted in SNMP Communities
If an NMS is not listed in the SNMP Communities, the global RemotEye II
communities are used for evaluation. The global communities are set within the
Control Group table of the RemotEye II. If a get request matches either the
Community Read-Only or the Community Read/Write values, the request is honored.
A set, however, is only allowed if the request includes the Community Read/Write
NMS Listed in SNMP Communities
If the NMS appears in the SNMP Communities with Read or Read/Write Access
rights, the corresponding community name and privileges listed within this table, in
conjunction with the global community values, are used to evaluate the request.
If the NMS community listing matches any of the global communities, the SNMP
Communities table listing will override the permissions established by the global
listings. First, the SNMP Communities entry negates both global values, and second,
the permissions for this entry will apply to requests from the NMS.