Log Type Group
This group contains four check boxes which allow the user to select the log(s) to be
saved. The default value of the Log Type is unchecked. The files should be saved in
the directory which the user selected, and the software will create a saved file which
should be named according to the following guidelines.
“UPS History Log”
“IP Address”_“Current Time Stamp”_PageLogData.csv
“UPS Extended Log”
“IP Address”_“Current Time Stamp”_PageLogExtData.csv
“UPS Events Log”
“IP Address”_“Current Time Stamp”_PageLogEvent.csv
“RemotEye Events Log”
“IP Address”_“Current Time Stamp”_PageLogAgent.csv
For Example,
“UPS History Log”
“UPS Extended Log”
“UPS Events Log”
“RemotEye Events Log”
RemotEye List Group
This contains the information of the RemotEye(s), and it also allows the user to select
multiple RemotEye(s) on the list. The default mode for the “RemotEye List” is an
empty list, but when you click on the Add or Discover button an icon is displayed
along with the information of the RemotEye such as the one shown below. Once the
information is displayed, the user can select which IP address they want to keep track
of. Notice that the buttons are now enabled. The Save Log and Schedule button will
be enabled when both the item(s) in Log Type and the RemotEye List is selected.
These buttons along with the other five will be explained more in detail in the next