Alarm Table
This page provides past and active UPS alarm activity and descriptions. This page will
refresh automatically at a user-defined rate. To change or view the refresh rate setting,
select RemotEye II Management - HTTP Page Refresh Rates.
Number of Present Alarms
This field shows the number of active UPS alarms.
Lastest Alarm
This field shows the last recorded UPS alarm.
Alarm ID
This field shows the sequential number associated with the alarm; it indicates the
activation sequence of the alarms. This number will be reset after a RemotEye II
Alarm Time
This field shows the RemotEye II alarm time stamp. This value is displayed in the
hh:mm mm/dd/yyyy format.
Note: The time depends on the RemotEye II clock setting.
Alarm Description
This field shows the UPS alarm description. Please refer .Table 2: UPS Alarm Table
for detail description.