HE863 family AT commands reference guide
80377ST10083a Rev.6 – 2012-11-12
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+CCWA - Call Waiting
- type of address in integer format
- see before
- string type; alphanumeric representation of
corresponding to
the entry found in phonebook; used character set should be the one
selected with
0 - CLI valid
1 - CLI has been withheld by the originator
2 - CLI is not available due to interworking problems or limitations of originating
Note: if parameter
is omitted then network is not interrogated.
Note: in the query command the class parameter must not be issued.
Note: the difference between call waiting report disabling (
AT+CCWA = 0,1,7
and call waiting service disabling (
AT+CCWA = 0,0,7
) is that in the first case the
call waiting indication is sent to the device by network but this last one does not
report it to the
; instead in the second case the call waiting indication is not
generated by the network. Hence the device results busy to the third party in the
case while in the 1
case a ringing indication is sent to the third party.
Note: The command
has no effect a non sense and must not be
Read command reports the current value of the parameter
Test command reports the supported values for the parameter
3GPP TS 27.007
Call Holding Services - +CHLD
+CHLD - Call Holding Services
Set command calls can be put on hold, recovered, released, added to conversation,
and transferred.This is based on the GSM/UMTS supplementary services HOLD,
MPTY (i.e Multi Party) and ECT (Explicit Call Transfer). The interaction of this
command with other commands
0 - release all held calls or set User Determined User Busy for a waiting call; if
both exists then only the waiting call will be rejected
1 - release all active calls and accepts the other (held or waiting)
Note: In the scenario: An active call, a waiting call and held call, when the active
call is terminated, we will make the Waiting call as active.
1X - release a specific call (x specific call number as indicated by +CCLC)
2 - place all active calls (if exist) on hold and accepts the other call (held or
waiting). If only one call exists which is active, place it on hold and if only
held call exists make it active call
2X - place all active calls on hold except call x with which communication is