HE863 family AT commands reference guide
80377ST10083a Rev.6 – 2012-11-12
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#E2SMSRI - SMS Ring Indicator
Reports the range of supported values for parameter
Example AT#E2SMSRI=50
Message Waiting Indication - #MWI
#MWI - Message Waiting Indication
Set command enables/disables the presentation of the
message waiting indicator
0 - disable the presentation of the
1 - enable the presentation of the
URC each time a new message waiting
indicator is received from the network and, at startup, the presentation of the
status of the
message waiting indicators
, as they are currently stored on SIM..
The URC format is:
#MWI: <status>,<indicator>[,<count>]
0 - clear: it has been deleted one of the messages related to the indicator
1 - set: there’s a new waiting message related to the indicator
1 - either Line 1 (CPHS context) or Voice (3GPP context)
2 - Line 2 (CPHS context only)
3 - Fax
4 - E-mail
5 - Other
- message counter: network information reporting the number of pending
messages related to the message waiting indicator
The presentation at startup of the
message waiting indicators
status, as they are
currently stored on SIM, is as follows:
#MWI: <status>[,<indicator>[,<count>][<CR><LF>
#MWI: <status>,<indicator>[,<count>][...]]]
0 - no waiting message indicator is currently set: if this the case no other
information is reported
1 - there are waiting messages related to the message waiting indicator