HE863 family AT commands reference guide
80377ST10083a Rev.6 – 2012-11-12
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+STKTR – SIMTOOLKIT Terminal Response
The parameters depend on the proactive command:
+STKTR: 01, <result>, [<add_result>] refresh
+STKTR: 05, <result> set up event list
+STKTR: 16, <result>, [<add_result>] set up call
+STKTR: 17, <result>, <add_result> send SS
+STKTR: 18, <result>, <add_result> send USSD
+STKTR: 19, <result>, <add_result> send SMS
+STKTR: 20, <result>,[<add_result>] send DTMF
+STKTR: 21: <result> launch browser
+STKTR: 32, <result>, <add_result> play tone
+STKTR: 33, <result>, <add_result> display text
+STKTR: 34, <result>, <add_result>,0,<dcs>,<hex_string> get inkey
+STKTR: 35, <result>, <add_result>,0,<dcs>,<hex_string> get input
+STKTR: 36, <result>, <add_result>,0,<dcs>,<hex_string> select item
Note: the 0 stands for the parameter <last_cmd> which is obsolete but not removed so far
+STKTR: 37, <result>, <add_result> set up menu
+STKTR: 38, <language as integer, e.g.28261> language setting
+STKTR: 40, <result>, <add_result> set up idle mode text
<add_result> additional result
<dcs> data coding scheme
<hex_string> string in hexadecimal format
<last_cmd> last command
<proactive_cmd> decimal code indicates the command (refer +STKPRO)
<result> may be (decimal code indicated):
- 0: command performed successfully
- 1: command performed with partial comprehension
- 2: command performed with missing information
- 3: REFRESH performed with additional Efs read
- 4: command performed successfully, but requested icon could not be displayed
- 5: command performed but modified by call control by SIM
- 6: command performed successfully, limited service
- 7: command performed with modification
- 16: proactive SIM session terminated by the user
- 17: backward move in the proactive SIM session requested by the user
- 18: no response from user
- 19: help information required by the user
- 20: USSD or SS transaction terminated by the user
- 32: ME currently unable to process command
- 33: network currently unable to process the command
- 34: user did not accept call set-up request