HE863 family AT commands reference guide
80377ST10083a Rev.6 – 2012-11-12
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#SSEND EXT– Send Data in Command Mode extended
Execution command permits, while the module is in command mode, to send data
through a connected socket including all possible octets(from 0x00 to 0xFF)
- socket connection identifier
- number of bytes to be sent
Please refer to test command for range
The device responds to the command with the prompt ‘->’ <greater_than><space>
and waits for the data to send.
When <bytestosend> bytes have been sent, operation is automatically completed.
If data are successfully sent, then the response is OK.
If data sending fails for some reason, an error code is reported.
Note: it’s possible to use #SSENDEXT only if the connection was opened by #SD,
else the ME is raising an error.
Note: all special characters are sent like a generic byte.
(For instance: 0x08 is simply sent through the socket and don’t behave like a BS,
i.e. previous character is not deleted)
Test command returns the range of supported values for parameters <connId> and
Open the socket in command mode:
AT#SD=1,0,<port>,”IP address”,0,0,1
Give the command specifying total number of bytes as second parameter:
>…………………………; // Terminal echo of bytes sent is displayed here
All possible bytes(from 0x00 to 0xFF) are sent on the socket as generic bytes.
Socket Listen UDP - #SLUDP
#SLUDP - Socket Listen UDP
This command opens/closes a socket listening for an incoming UDP connection
on a specified port.
- socket connection identifier
0 - closes socket listening