HE863 family AT commands reference guide
80377ST10083a Rev.6 – 2012-11-12
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#STIA – SIMTOOLKIT Activation Interface
- 05: Idle screen available event
- 07: Language selection
- 08: Browser Termination event
<hex_string> sting containing data in hexadecimal format
<icon_id>,<icon_id1>,<icon_id2> ,<icon_id_list_element> icon identifier list
object (list containing icon id’s. Example:<icon_id1>,<icon_id2>)
<interval> time duration in number of units
<item_id> item identifier (Identifier of item chosen s. GSM11.14)
<language> 2 bytes string indicating the language
<max rsp len> maximum response length
<min rsp len> minimum response length
<next_action> next action
<number> called party number
<proactive_cmd> may be:
- 01: refresh
- 05: set up event list
- 16: set up call
- 17: send SS
- 18: send USSD
- 19: send SMS
- 20: send DTMF
- 21: launch browser
- 32: play tone
- 33: display text
- 34: get inkey
- 35: get input
- 36: select item
- 37: set up menu
- 38: language setting
- 40: set up idle mode text
- 53: language notification
<ref_number> reference number
<subaddr> called party subaddr.
<ss_data> data string
<type> integer as command qualifier; possible value 4 meaning “language”
<tone> tone may be:
- 01: dial tone
- 02: call subscriber busy
- 03: congestion
- 04: radio path acknowledge
- 05: radio path not available
- 06: error / special information
- 07: call waiting tone
- 08: ringing tone
- 10: general beep
- 11: positive acknowledgement tone
- 12: negative acknowledgement or error tone
<total items> total items