HE863 family AT commands reference guide
80377ST10083a Rev.6 – 2012-11-12
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Closed User Group Supplementary Service Control - +CCUG
+CCUG - Closed User Group Supplementary Service Control
Set command allows control of the Closed User Group supplementary service
[3GPP TS 02.85/22.085].
0 - disable CUG temporary mode (factory default).
1 - enable CUG temporary mode: it enables to control the CUG information on the
air interface as a default adjustment for all following outgoing calls.
0..9 - CUG index
10 - no index (preferential CUG taken from subscriber data)
0 - no information (default)
1 - suppress Outgoing Access (OA)
2 - suppress preferential CUG
3 - suppress OA and preferential CUG
Read command reports the current value of the parameters
Test command returns the
result code
3GPP TS 27.007
Preferred Operator List - +CPOL
+CPOL - Preferred Operator List
This command is used to edit the PLMN selector with Access Technology lists in
the SIM card or active application in the UICC(GSM or USIM).
Set command writes an entry in the SIM/USIM list of preferred PLMNs, previously
selected by the cCPLS. If no list has been previously selected, the User
controlled PLMN selector with Access Technology, EFPLMNwAcT, is the one
accessed by default. If <index> is given but <oper> is left out, entry is deleted. If
<oper> is given but <index> is left out, <oper> is put in the next free location. If
only <format> is given, the format of the <oper> in the read command is changed.
The Access Technology selection parameters, <GSM_AcT>,
<GSM_Compact_AcT> and <UTRAN_AcT>, are required when writing User
controlled PLMN selector with Access Technology, EF EFPLMNwAcT, Operator
controlled PLMN selector with Access Technology EFOPLMNwAcT and HPLMN
selector with Access Technology EFHPLMNwAcT. Refer Appendix A for <err>
- integer type; the order number of operator in the SIM preferred operator