LED, etc..) at every step. Up to ten test files can be saved with each test file
having a maximum of fifty steps. The file extension defined for an Auto test file
is “.prog”.
Operating Steps
1. Connect device
Power on the instrument and connect the DUT and the channel input
terminals of the electronic load, as shown in Figure 2-2.
2. Set running parameters
Press the Shift + CV key on the front panel , select “Program” then
enter Program test mode, as shown in 2-45.
Figure 2-45 Program Test Function
The parameters for the program test mode include Step, Storage, Trig,
Set Step
Set the number of steps you wish to run in this specific program.
Set parameter list
The parameter list of program mode includes: mode, current range (Irange),
voltage range (Vrange), pause (paus), Short, time on (Ton), time off (Toff),
delay (Tdly), min, max, Set, resistance range (Rrange), Vo, Io, Rco. The
arrow in the right of parameter list indicates that the current interface can not
display parameters of all steps. At this time, user can edit all parameters of
each steps by using direction key after move the focus to the list.