Press On/Off to turn on the channel input. At this time, the actual input
voltage, current, resistance and power will be displayed on the main
interface. The sink current will continuously toggle between the A level
and the B level.
The sink current may maintain a constant value in the main
interface when the width is set to a very small value because the
load is switching quickly between A_level and B_level. Users can
use the waveform display function to see the waveform more
Toggle mode
Under Toggle mode (Tog), when you enable the dynamic test operation, the load
will switch from the A value to the B value after receipt of a trigger signal. It will
switch from B to A upon receipt of the next trigger signal, as shown in Figure 2-
Figure 2-23 Transient CC Toggle Mode(Tog)
Take CC mode as an example (other modes are similar)
Operating Steps
1. Connect device
Power on the instrument, connect the DUT and the channel
input terminals of the electronic load, as shown in Figure 2-2.
2. Set running parameters
Press the Shift + CC key on the front panel to enter tansient test