Operating Basics
GTS1063 and GTS1250 GBIC Test Systems Instruction Manual
Front Panel
The GBIC Test System user interface is almost entirely dedicated to the selection
of the outgoing transmit pattern. A rear-panel TTL interface allows remote
control of instrument.
All control buttons, input and output SMAs (except the jitter and external clock
inputs), the GBIC receptacle, and the status indicators are on the front panel. The
front panels are shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: The GTS1063 and GTS1250 front panels
A GBIC has a transmit and receive side. The front-panel connectors and buttons
are grouped to the side of the GBIC they are associated with. When properly
installed, the GBIC transmit output connector is on the right side of the GBIC
receptacle (looking at the front of the instrument). All the connectors on the right
side of the GBIC receptacle are associated with transmitter signals. All connec-
tors on the left side of the GBIC receptacle are associated with receive signals.
All front-panel buttons (except for the REM and RESET button) select the
transmit output pattern. Only one pattern is active at a time. The abbreviated
description of the currently selected and active transmit pattern is illuminated.
When the external clock is enabled, by activating a control signal on the
REMOTE INTERFACE, the front panel EXT indicator blinks.
To select a transmit pattern, press the button next to the desired transmit pattern.
The REM button selects remote control of the GBIC Test System. When this
button is pushed, the rear-panel TTL interface (see Remote Interface on page 17)
Selecting the Transmit
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