Performance Verification
GTS1063 and GTS1250 GBIC Test Systems Instruction Manual
Select D21.5
Tx pattern
1180C or
Ext Trig input
Tx DATA (D21.5)
Figure 22: Tx Clock to Data Random Jitter Test Setup
4. Set the GBIC Test System Transmit pattern to D21.5.
5. If a GBIC is installed in the GBIC Test System, disconnect or turn off any
signal going into the receive side of the GBIC; disconnect any signals
attached to the +Rx DATA and –Rx DATA connectors.
6. Perform the initial setup of the oscilloscope using the following steps:
a. Initialize the oscilloscope to default settings using the Initialize selector
which appears in the Utility major menu.
b. From the Trigger major menu, set the trigger source to external.
Set the trigger level to 0.0 V; set the trigger polarity to positive edge.
d. Display the Tx CLK OUT signal.
Set the Vertical Size to 50 mV/div.
Set the Horizontal Size to 100 ps/div.
g. Set the oscilloscope record length to 512 points.
7. Perform the test with the following sequence on the oscilloscope:
a. Find a rising clock edge that is displayed between 20 to 30 ns horizontal
timing position (if you need to adjust the position, select the horizontal
and adjust the lower Horizontal knob to adjust the horizontal timing
position); adjust the waveform so that the 50% rising edge crossing point
of the clock signal is at the center of the graticule grid (see Figure 23) of
the oscilloscope display (to adjust the position, select the horizontal or
vertical and adjust using the lower knob).
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