Performance Verification
GTS1063 and GTS1250 GBIC Test Systems Instruction Manual
b. The eye pattern crossing contains the total jitter of the GBIC Test
System Tx DATA output. This jitter is comprised mainly of determinis-
tic and random jitter. The random jitter adds to the total peak-to-peak
jitter, and as such the total jitter measured is always greater than the
deterministic jitter alone. Deterministic jitter can be estimated by
measuring the horizontal distance between the left-most local-maxima
and right-most local-maxima peak distributions of the histogram. If the
displayed peak-to-peak jitter is less than the deterministic jitter
specification (40 ps), then the GBIC Test System deterministic jitter is
within specification. For example, if the GBIC Test System outputs a
deterministic jitter of 20 ps peak-to-peak and a random jitter of 12 ps
peak-to-peak, then the peak-to-peak result of an eye crossing histogram
on such a signal yields approximately 20 ps +12 ps = 32 ps peak-to-peak
Figure 26: Histogram deterministic jitter measurement
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