Chapter 2
Server Module Installation and Power-On
Add Hard Disk Drives to the Server
The Sun Blade server module is shipped without hard disk drives (HDDs). As an
option, you can order and install up to two HDDs per server module. HDDs are
easily installed in the HDD bays (labeled HDD0-1) located on the front panel of the
server module (see figure below).
Note –
Installation of a hard disk drive is not necessary if you are configuring the
server module to boot from an FC SAN device.
Tools and Supplies Needed
Before installing a hard disk into a server module, you will need to gather the
following items:
Installed Sun Blade server module
Supported hard disk drive (HDD)
73-Gbyte (10K RPM) SAS Drive
HDD Labels
Figure Legend
HDD 0 Label
HDd 1 Label