Sun Blade X8400 Server Module Installation Guide • March 2008
Note –
CMM0 represents the CMM installed in slot CMM0. BL0 represents the
server module installed in slot BL0. To specify the target CMM or server module ,
you must specify the slot number in which the module is installed. Server module
slots range from 0 to 9. CMM slots range from 0 to 1.
ILOM - Server SP using a serial connection
Using a serial console attached to the front panel of a server module , log in to
ILOM as the Administrator. For example, at the Login prompt, you could type the
preconfigured Administrator user name
and its default password
, then press Enter.
To view the server module SP IP address, type:
show /SP/network
DHCP server logs
For more information consult the DHCP server documentation.
Assign a Static IP Address to Server SP Using a
Serial Connection
Follow these instructions when assigning a static IP address, using a serial
connection, to a server module SP
1. Establish a local serial console connection to the server SP.
Attach a serial console to the serial port on the server or CMM. For more
information, consult the user documentation provided with the Sun server
2. Configure the terminal or terminal emulator software to the following serial
8N1: eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit
9600 baud
Disable hardware flow control (CTS/RTS)
Disable software flow control (XON/XOFF)