Sun Blade X8400 Server Module Installation Guide • March 2008
Assign IP Addresses to the Sun Server
Module SP
Use the following procedures to assign IP addresses to the server module SP.
“Assign DHCP IP Addresses Using an Ethernet Management Connection” on
page 33
“Assign a Static IP Address to Server SP Using a Serial Connection” on page 34
Prior to assigning IP addresses, you should have completed the following
installation tasks:
Serial connection requirements. If you are assigning an IP address via the serial
connection of the server module, you should have:
Established console access to the server module through a serial connection.
For details, see
“Attach Local Devices to Server Module” on page 25
or see
“Attach Serial Console to Chassis Monitoring Module” in the
Sun Blade 8000
Series Installation Guide
Configured the following serial settings:
8N1: eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit
9600 baud
Disable hardware flow control (CTS/RTS)
Disable software flow control (XON/XOFF)
Ethernet Connection Requirements. If you are assigning an IP via the
management port on the CMM, you should have:
Attached your local network cable to the management port of the CMM.
Configured the CMM with an IP address. For information about assigning an
IP address to a CMM, see Chapter 5 in the
Sun Blade 8000 Series Installation
If you intend to have DHCP IP addresses assigned, you need to have an
established DHCP server on the same local network as the Sun Blade 8000 Series
system. Setting up a DHCP server is out of the scope of this guide; see the
documentation supplied with the DHCP server software.