It is not necessary to Ell the Valve Bal
loon completely. It is often sufEcient to
Ell only half or even less than half of the
Valve Balloon in order to achieve the
desired results.
The Valve Balloon is not suitable for
storing vapors over a long period be-
cause the vapors condense on the
Valve Balloon Jacket over time (a few
hours). Only Ell the amount you want to
inhale within 10 minutes.
5.1. Breathing Technique
The device is not to be used, if
the user has respiratory tract
or lung conditions. Depend-
ing on the density, the vapor could irri-
tate respiratory tracts or lungs, which
can lead to coughing.
Inhale only half the amount of air
you can normally manage. Hold your
breath for a few seconds and then
exhale slowly. It is advisable to delib-
erately concentrate on your breathing
Since the plant ingredients are re-
leased in a gentle manner, the vapor-
ization cycle may be repeated with the
same contents in the Filling Chamber.
Depending on the four factors de-
scribed above, the load of the Filling
Chamber may be reused multiple
times until the aromas and fragrances
are released completely. It is advised
to take out the content of the Filling
Chamber and grind it once again to
increase the surface of the original
material. An increased temperature
would activate more vapor as well, but
has a negative effect on the taste. If no
more vapors are visible at the highest
temperature, then the vaporization
material is completely exhausted and
must be replaced with new material.
However, for the best aroma results it
is advisable to replace the vaporization
material before this point.
It is important to watch the vapor den-
sity in the Valve Balloon. A Ene, white
vapor feels very comfortable when
inhaled. As the vapor gets denser the
taste can get too strong.
A very high intensity (density) of the va-
por can lead to irritation of the respira-
tory passages from the concentration
of the aromas and fragrances. In this
case, the temperature should be low-
erd, so that the intensity of the vapors
is reduced.
Watch vapor density