Finishing Cont.
Cap the stacks of RA1’s on both sides of the
radiator with four parts RA3 and bond with
thick CA glue.
Enclose sides of radiator with RA4’s. Bond
with thick CA.
Slightly round the edges of the radiator, round
off the top, and paint with a lightweight spray
lacquer. Black, silver, or brass - or a
combination thereof - would be appropriate.
Radiator rests on top of the fuselage, helping
to hide the servo wires,
and is glued to the
slot in the wing only.
The radiator must not
be glued to the fuselage, to facilitate removal
of the wing.
Bond pilot silhouette to pilot base, and paint
flat black.
Position pilot on top of F0 and back against
F3. Bond to retain.
Build Instructions
SkyScout 480
- Build Instructions © 2010 Stevens AeroModel, all rights reserved.
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