Landing Gear Cont.
Repeat the “Wheels” steps beginning on page
28 to build the second wheel.
Landing Gear: Build the landing gear
soldering jig by bonding the alignment plates
over the etched area on the jig base. Ensure
that the gap between plates remains open.
Use the landing gear straps and #2 x 1/4 in.
screws to attach the pre-bent wire struts to
the jig.
Score the 3/16th in brass axle tube at 1-1/2
in. long with a sharp hobby knife. *
parts (2) are now provided cut to 1-1/2 in.
Using a small tubing cutter [K&S 296], cut the
tube to length at the score mark.
De-burr the ends of the tube and slide on to
the landing gear as shown.
Build Instructions
SkyScout 480
- Build Instructions © 2010 Stevens AeroModel, all rights reserved.
Page 39
Jig Base